You've received an offer from a law school, you applied for a deferral, and it's been granted. Woohoo! Right? Oh wait. There are conditions. Uh-oh.
Conditional Scholarships are Garbage
Hunting Down Law School Application Instructions
Formatting Tip for Your Resume
What's the Actual Goal of Your Law School Personal Statement?
Out After Curfew — Do You Have to Disclose?
Three days before my 18th birthday, I was caught being out at night after curfew. There was no drinking or anything like that involved. The police made me wait for my parents to come get me, same with my friends. The told me they were giving me a warning, but I never received any type of documentation so was led to believe it was verbal. I was also under the impression that since I was turning 18 in three days, that warning would be taken from my record anyway. Is this something that needs to be disclosed on my law school applications?
Pre-1L: How to Read a Legal Opinion
If you're starting law school this fall, check out Prof. Orin Kerr’s essay "How to Read a Legal Opinion: A Guide for New Law Students.” It’s one of the core skills you’ll need to succeed in law school.
Editing Your Personal Statement
There is such a thing as overworking your essay. But when it’s your own writing, it’s hard to know when you’ve hit that point. I experience it with my own writing too! It’s always easier to spot when it’s someone else’s writing and you have some objective distance from the first-hand drafting process.
Top 10 Tips for your Law School Personal Statement
Law School Admissions FAQs
How to Improve Your Resume This Summer If You're Applying This Fall
Are you staring at your resume and experiencing a mild sense of panic wondering how you're going to beef it up between now and the time you submit your applications this fall? You may be tempted to sign up for a flurry of impressive-sounding activities, but remember that quality matters a whole lot more than quantity.
What Not to Do With Your Waitlist Law Schools
When Is That Magical Day That Law School Waitlist Offers Get Released?
Law School Waitlist Hunger Games
Stressful Situation #1,602: Law School Deposits
Before You Put Down Your Law School Deposit
How to Manage Multiple Offers From Law School Waitlists
Link to Last Week's Pre-Law Summit
If you weren't able to attend last week's Pre-Law Summit live, here is the link for the recording. The session I was in ("The Right Fit") was a great continuation of the session right before it ("Do Rankings Really Matter"), so if you have time, I recommend watching them together.